Stress & Anxiety
We cannot avoid stress and indeed a degree of stress has been shown to be helpful to drive us forward. Where stress becomes harmful is when it is continuous, in which case it tends to over whelm the body’s capacity to maintain equilibrium and ill health ensures. Acupuncture is often used for treating this.
When stressed, the body produces adrenalin, cortisol, and other strong chemicals in response, whether the perceived or experienced stress is psychological or physical.
When a person is stressed over a long period, though, these substances can cause serious negative impacts on his or her health, including: sleep disruption, chronic headaches, hormone disruption, gastrointestinal distress, weight gain, immune system impairment, cardiovascular impacts, and psychological disturbances.
In the short term, stress challenges the immune system, adjusts blood pressure, increases heart rate, shifts neurotransmitters, and regulates the central nervous system. In the long term, stress damages the body’s systems, reduces its ability to cope with disease, and impairs brain function and mental health.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is based on a holistic view in which the person is an integrated, interacting system of mind and body energies working in conjunction with (or against) its environment. All TCM treatments are aimed toward the goal of balancing a person’s energies and restoring balance. In my experience the use of acupuncture, herbal medicine, and other traditional therapies, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) may help to relieve stress and unwind its harmful effects your on health.